

Unlock your potential, One Checkpoint at a time!

The problem Achivio solves

An academic Life Tool - #ACHIVIO

The problem we aim to solve is the challenge individuals face in effectively visualizing and tracking their progress on personalized roadmaps. Many people set goals but often struggle to monitor their advancement and stay motivated throughout the journey. This lack of visual representation and reward system may result in a lack of motivation and difficulty in achieving their desired outcomes.

Achivio addresses these issues by providing a user-friendly platform for creating and visualizing roadmaps. We seek to implement a reward system that encourages users to complete checkpoints, making the journey more enjoyable and motivating. The application should dynamically represent progress through a visually appealing and personalized forest of virtual trees, instilling a sense of accomplishment and pride in users. Ultimately, we aim to empower individuals to stay committed to their roadmap, track their progress effectively, and celebrate their achievements on their path to success.

Challenges we ran into

  • Adding a flowchart => We overcame this by using ReactFlow library.
  • Editing the elements within the flowchart
  • Styling the elements
  • Giving the feature of editing the existing roadmaps
  • Keeping track of trees

We overcame all of these by discussing the issues with each other and coming up with solutions. These 60 hours had more brainstorming sessions than we have had in the last two months.
