AcciLERT 3.0

Alert today – Alive tomorrow


AcciLERT 3.0

Alert today – Alive tomorrow

The problem AcciLERT 3.0 solves

Almost 467,044 road accidents have been reported in 2018 and has been increasing. As long as there have been roads there have been crashes. As vehicle technology improved and speeds increased, these crashes became more and more destructive. While the implementation of crumple zones, driver cages, steel bar doors, and airbags have served to lower the cost in human loss to these crashes, a more comprehensive vision is needed, to solve this problem.
AcciLERT_Gryffindor 3.0 notify about the accident to the nearest hospital located with the driver's medical data to save the critical time of life and death also provides the hospital with the drivers realtives contact detail, it notifies to the relatives about the current status of the accident and the hospital location to the relatives, also sends the message to the neariest police Police station it Doesnt depend upon inernet connectivity just a basic text message on our phone no will help us grab all the necessary details of the driver/victim, it will help the victim get immediate medical treatment

Challenges we ran into

The Toughest part was to locate nearby hospital and notify them using text messages.
Even redirecting the message on our server was the tough part of all, also notifying the relatives and family members with accident location and neariest hospital where the patient must have been hospitalized
