

Only Platform you need to study

The problem AbTohKarle.study solves

Our project is a comprehensive online platform tailored for developers and students seeking a centralized hub for educational resources and study materials. At its core, our Language Model (LLM) plays a pivotal role, consolidating diverse resources into one accessible space. The platform boasts distinctive features such as a detailed roadmap, facilitating users in navigating through their learning journey seamlessly. Additionally, the inclusion of video chat, PDF chat, and dubbing capabilities adds a dynamic layer to the learning experience, catering to various preferences and learning styles. However, the unique selling proposition (USP) of our project lies in the integration of a WhatsApp chatbot, making educational resources easily accessible to the masses who commonly use this widely adopted messaging platform. This strategic move aims for widespread adoption, reaching users where they already engage, thereby democratizing access to valuable educational content.

The integration of Cloudflare Track serves as a foundation for optimizing our platform's performance. This includes leveraging Cloudflare's distributed network for low-latency interactions globally, ensuring real-time responsiveness across diverse user interfaces. Cloudflare's scalability features provide reliability as user numbers grow, and its extensive network of data centers guarantees global accessibility. Security is fortified through Cloudflare's DDoS protection and web application firewall, ensuring a secure environment for the platform. On the other hand, MongoDB Atlas is seamlessly incorporated to enhance user experience and data management. Session IDs and cookies streamline user sessions, ensuring a smooth transition between web and WhatsApp interfaces. The scalability of MongoDB Atlas proves essential for efficient user authentication and management. The platform efficiently uses MongoDB Atlas for temporary storage of AI embeddings, optimizing the performance of the Language Model.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Handling a Large and Heavy LLM (2GB) for Web Deployment:
    Optimize deployment by employing model quantization, reducing precision without sacrificing performance. Consider cloud-based solutions for scalable resources and explore on-the-fly model loading for runtime efficiency.

  2. Transitioning to a Multi-Model LLM for Expanded Features:
    Move to a modular approach by breaking down the monolithic LLM, integrating pre-trained models for audio, image, and embeddings. Adopt a microservices architecture for flexibility and asynchronous communication for responsiveness.

  3. Integrating Multiple Models in Less Than 30 Hours for Consistent Running:
    Meet tight deadlines with parallel development, automated testing pipelines, and Docker containerization. Leverage continuous integration tools for efficient deployment and troubleshooting.

  4. Handling Dynamic Outputs from LLM for Strictly Typed Frontend Parsing:
    Ensure a robust data contract with JSON Schema or GraphQL, employ TypeScript on the frontend for static typing. Regular communication between backend and frontend teams ensures smooth integration.

  5. Finding Free, Open-Sourced Models for Quick MVP Features:
    Accelerate MVP development with Hugging Face, TensorFlow Model Zoo, or PyTorch Hub. Thoroughly evaluate open-source models for compatibility and community support. Continuous monitoring and updates maintain sustainability.

  6. Managing Speed using Multithreading and GPU Utilization:
    Optimize speed with multithreading for concurrent tasks and GPU utilization for computationally intensive operations. Efficient load balancing and cloud services with GPU instances maximize throughput.

Tracks Applied (4)


Deployed Code on Replit and used it for the collaboration in hackathon. Nice IDE :)


Best use of MongoDB Atlas

Our LLM Integrated with whatsapp, use sesssion ids and Cookies to maintain sesssion across web and whatsapp interface. M...Read More


Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry

AbTohKarle.study Anyone who is even a bit willing to study can get all the resources, roadmaps, and everything on a sing...Read More

GoDaddy Registry

Best AI Application Built with Cloudflare

Cloudflare Track enhances global performance, ensuring low-latency interactions for users worldwide. Real-time responsiv...Read More

