City Surveillance

A Real-time automated system for identifying criminals, missing persons with a very competitive alert and navigation system for local PD.


The problem City Surveillance solves

Used case Description

With a burgeoning population and a challenging crime rate, Indian Law enforcement agencies want to leverage technology to help solve some typical issues like identifying criminals on the run, find missing children and victims of human trafficking or keep an eye on the person of interest. As long as missing individuals are added to a database, law enforcement can become alerted as soon as they are recognized by face recognition—be it an airport, retail store or other public space The objective is to build a predictive model used to recognize the appearance of a certain person.


The objective of this arrangement is to assess face detection and recognition procedures and give a total arrangement for picture based face detection and recognition with higher exactness, better reaction rate and an underlying advance for video reconnaissance which help experts during searching and investigation. It has applications extending from security and reconnaissance to stimulation sites, ultimately increasing law enforcement in the country.

Challenges I ran into

Reducing the time consumption at Face Detection and Recognition Step.
