A 21st Century Tooth Fairy

A 21st Century Tooth Fairy

“Tooth Fairies bring you a gift when you loose a tooth, BUT our Tooth Fairy will make sure you won’t loose a tooth.”

The problem A 21st Century Tooth Fairy solves

In the pursuit of enhancing dental hygiene through technology, our team embarked on developing an innovative solution aimed at improving brushing habits. The Motion Detection Brushing System also known as Tooth Fairy project was conceived with the goal of leveraging motion detection analysis to monitor and guide users' brushing techniques, ensuring a thorough and effective cleaning process.

The ideation phase began with recognizing a common problem: many individuals do not brush their teeth correctly, leading to dental health issues. Our brainstorming sessions focused on how Artificial Intelligence with data analytics could address this issue by providing real-time feedback on brushing habits.

Challenges we ran into

  • Datasets: With two people in the team, it was hard to create the data sets using the hardware. We hacked our way with the dataset generation using open source tools online.
    Motion Detection Accuracy: Initially, the system struggled with accurately detecting specific brushing motions. To address this, we increased our dataset and refined our machine learning model, significantly improving accuracy.
  • User Interface Design: Ensuring the application was both engaging and informative required iterative design and user testing. Feedback from early users was invaluable in making interface adjustments.
  • Data Visualization: Presenting data in an understandable and helpful manner was challenging. We opted for Chart.js for its versatility and ease of integration, which met our needs perfectly.
