Myself Vishal Aakash, I'm currently pursuing B.E CSE. I'm a passionate frontend developer and designer with a keen eye for aesthetics and a knack for crafting engaging and user-friendly web experiences. With a background in both design and development, I bring a unique blend of skills to the table, allowing me to bridge the gap between design concepts and functional, responsive websites.
A decentralized fantasy sports application where fans predict their dream team and win rewards in cryptocurrency.Solidity, IPFS, Node.js, React.js, , Polygon, Replit, IPFS / Filecoin, Wagmi, rainbowwalletFundRaiz
"Empower the Crowd, Fund the Future: Decentralized Crowdfunding on Blockchain"Solidity, React.js, ThirdWebGrfolio
It is Devfolio, but decentralizedSolidity, IPFS, nextjs, TailWindCSS, Replit, Spheron, webjs, ethersjs, Router Protocol, NFTStorageDeCric
It is a decentralized sports prediction application.IPFS, React.js, Polygon, Replit, IPFS / FilecoinTicket3 V1
Host events seamlessly and Fraud-freeSolidity, React, JavaScript, Git, Tailwind CSS, Avalanche, rainbowwallet, SolidityScanOneSign
Next Gen Effortless OnboardingSolidity, Next.js, ethers.js, The Graph, Tailwind CSS, React.js, ChartJsDreamBig
Unlock Your Imagination, Explore the Web3 Fantasy World.Solidity, React, ethers.js, Web3, axios, Tailwind CSS, XDCVortex Engine
Empowering On-Chain Gaming: Build, Save, and Explore on Aptos & Polygon.JavaScript, Python, The Graph, Express, Node, Polygon, vitejs, ethersjs, Wagmi, aptosChainsHunter
The multiplayer survival shooting game built on the Base chainSolidity, Next.js, Redux, Git, Blender, Three.JS, Tailwind CSS, ThirdWebSDK, BASE, OnchainKitSkills
UI/UX Designing