
Shawn Pereira

I'm a human Swiss Army Knife especially skilled at everything technology. I am passionate about startups and technology and firmly believe in their power to solve significant crises and change the world.

I enjoy problem-solving and plan on tackling the biggest problems in the world in the near future. I'm currently working in the business education space at Stoa but I'm also interested in:

  • applications of Deep Learning
  • space exploration and the future of transportation
  • Brain-becomingInterfaces
  • Climate Change

It is my dream to move humanity up the Kardashev scale and to become multi-planetary or even interstellar.


  • Finding problems worth solving
  • Ideation and coming up with theoretical solutions
  • Strong Front-end development skills
  • Decent grasp of backend development, design principles, and UI/UX
  • Fullstack dev (MERN)
  • Deep Learning
  • Math, physics, and thinking skills

Hackathons and Competitive Coding

  1. #OneMillionWallets hackathon by Covalent.
    Built a fully functional wallet for multiple chains. One could view token balances as well as NFTs within the wallet itself. Won the top prize in the category.
  2. Inspirathon 24-hour hackathon by Don Bosco College of Engineering in association with F.I.I.R.E.
    Built a product to keep college students committed to working on their projects, as well as help them connect with potential investors and mentors.
    Won 1st place
  3. GoaHacks 1.0 by GDG Goa in association with Grandworks.
    Built a platform that informs the public of outbreaks in nearby regions. Includes a feature for outbreak data to be reported by trusted sources (doctors).
    Won 2nd place
  4. Hack By The Beach 1.0 by BITS Goa Quark' 2020
    Built a journal analyzer that gives you insights into your mental health based on your journal entries (entries can be taken from Google Keep)
    Made it to the Top 10
  5. Participated in IEEEXtreme 12.0 in October 2018 and ranked 1st at the college level & state level, 2nd at the Bombay region of IEEE, 41st in India, 167th in Asia region, and 473rd globally.
  6. Helped organize BITS Goa's Quark 2019 hackathon as part of GDG Goa.
  7. Helped organize Hack2Help - a hackathon by IEEE GEC SB and IIT-Goa ACM - as part of IEEE GEC SB.

Some of my Side Projects

  • WhatsAppr - a tool to WhatsApp-text numbers you haven't saved, make shareable WhatsApp messages, generate WhatsApp message URLs, and send bulk WhatsApp messages easily.
    This was Product #4 of the day on Product Hunt
    The app practically got shut down by Meta/Facebook themselves.

  • Own the 2020s - Visualize the time you can save if you give up a habit in the new decade.
    This was Product #3 of the day on Product Hunt



Insights into your emotional and mental wellbeing.Bootstrap, React, Flask, Python, Natural language processing (NLP)


An app for the user to enable cross-chain transfer of tokens across 9 chains using a simple UINext.js, ethers.js, Chakra UI,


On-chain discovery protocol based on individual's browsing history with ZK to protect user privacy!Next.js, Smart Contracts, React.js, Chrome Extension, Circom, mina protocol, Zero Knowledge

Talk To Videos

A search engine inside YouTube videos! Quickly ask questions to a video or playlist and have them answered.Next.js, OpenAi, Chrome Extension


Exploring diffusion model latent spaces using ambient and motion sensorsArduino, LM35 temperature sensor, Sound Sensor, Stable Diffusion, Motion Sensors, Flan-T5


WhatSharer is a tool to WhatsApp-text numbers you haven't saved, make shareable WhatsApp messages, generate WhatsApp message URLs and send bulk WhatsApp messages easily.Bootstrap, React, HTML5, CSS3

Own The 2020s

Time is precious - give up a habit to free up your decade for something you actually care about. Own The 2020s estimates how much time you can save in the 2020s if you give up a particular vice.React, HTML5, CSS3


Deep Learning
Web Scraping


  • Stoa - SDE
    September 2021 - February 2023

    Building awesome stuff for business education