
Vaishnavi Dasika

I am Sri Bhuvana Vaishnavi Dasika, a development enthusiast who believes that technology is the key to progress in this given dawn of an era. I wish to dedicate myself as a front-runner to making this world a better place.



A decentralized community-oriented metaverse for space enthusiastsSolidity, React, Unreal Engine, NVIDIA TensorRT


AI-based blockchain solution for healthcare systems.Solidity, React, Firebase, Blockchain, Polygon, Arcana


Delivering healthcare discreetlyWeb3data.js


Securing the Artistic Legacy: Empowering Artists through Blockchain TechnologyInfura, Web3, Chainlink, Hardhat, Truffle, Polygon


Your Space, Your Voice: Experience Secure, Private Social Media with Direct Earnings, Transparent Governance, and Universal Interoperability.Solidity, Node.js, Ganache CLI, MetaMask, GraphQL, Remix IDE, web3j, React.js, Polygon, IPFS / Filecoin


Borrowing dAppSolidity, MetaMask, JavaScript, npm, Cryptocurrency, HTML5​, Hardhat


Social Media dAppSolidity, JavaScript, HTML/CSS


Data Science
Full Stack
Blockchain Development
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure


  • 中電工業株式会社 - Intern
    August 2021 - December 2021

    Front end, Graphic design and User research
    Intern, Telangana Hubs “The Future of Housing for Evolving Lifestyles” X Chuden Engineering Consultants, Hiroshima x India (online) — Excellence in Innovation award winner, Stood in the top 5 finalists, Worked in the Front end, Graphic design and User research arenas for the project (Silpi), Hyderabad.
    Link to certificate

  • HexaWallet - Blockchain Developer
    January 2022 - April 2022

    Blockchain developer
    Selected as the phase-1 contributor as part of summer of bitcoin towards HexaWallet and SwanPrivate source code, working with bitcoin core.
    link to proposal

  • Polygon - Fellow
    June 2022 - August 2022

    Fellow At Polygon Technologies @0xpolygon @devfolio
    Selected in the Polygon Fellowship as a fellow in the beginner track. Polygon Fellowship, an initiative by Polygon and Devfolio “to bridge the Web3 talent gap”.