
Ganesh Prasad Kumble

TL;DR: I make software & hardware; and I love it.

Ganesh is a passionate and seasoned engineer, inventor, serial entrepreneur and promoter.

  • Moderator, Ethereum Research
  • Contributor, IPFS
  • Core team & Maintainer at MOI (https://www.moi.technology/)
  • Founder & Maintainer of TEXA Project (https://github.com/TexaProject/)
  • Always building things AI/Blockchain/IoT & other stuffs since 2014
  • Breathes deeply, enjoys healthy food, drinks and people

Moar deets?
At the age of 13, he taught himself Electronics Hardware Debugging, Computer Programming, Networking and Web Programming. Later on at the age of 16, he started developing software for ERP packages and institutions. He has bagged several awards & honors from prestigious institutions & organizations in India & Overseas.

He has co-founded & mentored startups in the domains of software, technology consultancy, and e-Commerce with a vision to enhance and extend the cutting-edge digital experience for the people at a beneficial cost for the industry and the consumer society.

In addition to his primary interests, he is a fan follower in some fields of Physics and Mathematics.

He is currently leading a small team of engineers at Sarva Labs Inc., the company building MOI protocol to help users personalize the internet and gain back control of their identity, data and asset provenance.

If you made it this far, you deserve a reward. So:



Borrowers owning collectibles in the ERC-721 format use Lend-n-Make to get collateralized loans. Lenders bid on the principal willing to lend & if not paid back, recovers the collaaterized collectibleSolidity, HTML, CSS, JS


A complementary compute stack to EVM, to handle complex mathematical and scientific equationsWebAssembly


ZK-proofed products reviews. Get paid as a verified user. Powered by IOME.AI and Polygon.Solidity, Jupyter Notebook, React.js, material ui, Polygon, alchemy, Web3.Storage, IOME.AI, MOI, Sentimental Analysis

OhJi Chat

Personal Messenger on Web3. As easy as WhatsApp ;)Solidity, IPFS, Infura, libp2p, Biconomy SDK, web3.js, React.js, Polygon, Web3.Storage, Huddle01

Talk The Block

Bringing Conversational AI to On-Chain DataPython, Data Mining, OpenAi, Etherscan, FastAPI, langchain, LLM, Testnets


A reputation system for web3 which is readable and understandable by humans.Matplotlib, Python, alchemy-api, classifiers


Decentralized Intelligent Contact Tracing of Animals and ObjectsSolidity, Node.js, Infura, Machine Learning, Python, GPS, Jupyter Notebook, Moibit, brave, just




  • Sarva Labs Inc. - Buildoooooor
    September 2017 - February 2024

    My role encompasses the following duties:

    1. Protocol Research and Development
    2. Engineering and Technology Management
    3. Community Development
    4. Pre-sales Support
    5. Branding and Marketing Support