Founding Engineer
SquaredLabs, Jun 24' - Present
Sarthak Verma
UX Engineer, Find Signal
Indore, India
Hackathons org.
9 months
Jun 24' - Present
SquaredLabs, Jun 24' - Present
3y 1mos
Find Signal, Feb 22' - Present
Next-gen smart contract wallet to serve the needs of a new age in Web3, one with account abstraction at the core
Account abstraction has for a long time been a dream of the Ethereum developer community. Instead of EVM code just being used to implement the logic of applications, it would also be used to implement the verification logic (nonces, signatures…) of individual users’ wallets. Below are some of the features that can be possible using account abstraction: Multisigs and social recovery More efficient and simpler signature algorithms (eg. Schnorr, BLS) Post-quantum safe signature algorithms (eg. Lamport, Winternitz) Upgradeability It is possible to do all of these things with smart contract wallets today, but the fact that the Ethereum protocol itself requires everything to be packaged in a transaction originating from an ECDSA-secured externally-owned account (EOA) makes this very difficult. Every user operation needs to be wrapped by a transaction from an EOA, adding 21000 gas of overhead. The user needs to either have ETH in a separate EOA to pay for gas, and manage balances in two accounts, or rely on a relay system, which are typically centralized. All of these problems prevent / deter users from exploring the Web3 space.
Our project makes it easier for novice users to earn crypto and advanced users to manage crypto. Cryptocurrency markets are volatile and with that comes the risk of losing a lot of money if one doesn't understand the market conditions (let's face it, not many can comprehend the crypto markets anyway). In traditional finance, one can invest in stocks, bonds, debts etc. Many protocols try to give or improve services which are present in tradfi but there are very few protocols which actually act like mutual funds in tradfi. Even if such protocols exist, they restrict the freedom of users in some or the other way either for the managers or the investors. We have created a platform where people can stream their tokens to pools of their choice and let advanced users (managers) handle where to invest those tokens from those pools. We call it D.A.M.P. abbreviation for "Decentralized Asset Management Protocol". We intend to solve the flexibility and security issues inherent to such a protocol. Flexibility in the sense that users can choose to withdraw their assets anytime they like and managers are free to invest those assets into a number of reputed protocols. Security in the sense that users can be assured that managers won't be able to run away with their assets. The project that we have created will show a small part of our final imagination of such a protocol. We will add a link to a doc detailing our idea and implementation details along with the future scope of our project in the coming days.