
Viren Khatri

Mobile Application and Backend Developer.
Fluent in Java, Dart, Python and Javascript.
Worked with Truely Native Android Development, Flutter, Django and Flask.
Curiosity to discover innovative advancements in different fields encourages me to work harder to understand them.


Flood Rescue - For people in need.

A web application that finds areas of a city/region in focus into zones in range of risk posed when affected by flood. We consider the altitude to decide the level of threat posed.

Read It Easy!

Tired of reading long strenous books, novels, and research papers assigned to you? Well, worry no more, with out text summarizer, you will get your personalized summary in snippets of cards.Flask, Gensim, Machine Learning, Flutter


Adding brains to the cameraReact, Firebase, Deep Learning, Docker, Flutter, PostgreSQL, Computer Vision, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, Face Recognition


Farmer's Best FriendjQuery, JS, JSON


Android developer


  • CodeVector Labs - Intern
    December 2019 - October 2020

    Developed Applications:

    1. Quizzinga - Single and multiplayer word game built on flutter backed by firebase, firestore, admob, REST API and websockets, published on Playstore and Appstore.
    2. Easy Angrezi - Standalone personalized english learning platform built on flutter, backed by firebase and firestore, published on Playstore.
    3. Suraksha AI - A live face detection, recognition and mask detection mobile app built on flutter, using tflite model.
    4. Attendance - A live attendance mobile app which records attendance based on face recognition, built on native android (java) using tflite (object tracking, face detection & face recognition), cmake, svm, jni, camera2 api, opencv and room.