
Vidip Ghosh

I'm Vidip Ghosh, a B.Tech graduate from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, with a strong passion for web development, machine learning, and staying at the forefront of emerging technologies. I specialize in building scalable full-stack web applications using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js), and I'm actively expanding my expertise in Flutter, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and Cloud Technologies.

I thrive in collaborative environments and am always eager to learn, share knowledge, and contribute to communities. Whether it’s through open-source contributions, hackathons, or peer networking, I believe in the power of collaboration to foster growth and innovation. I've participated in around 22 hackathons and won 6 of them.
• Best use of Github: MLH HackBattle React vs Angular winner
• 1st runner up at MLH Hack This Fall hackathon
• 1st place(Programmers with Experience section) at Hack the Bronx 3
• Honorable Mention: Student Food Insecurity at WaffleHacks Hackathon
• Best Networking Hack: MLH Hack Your Portfolio Hackathon
• Nillion AI prize winner: 2nd prize


Coders Meeting Rooms

Coders House is an application which supports WebRTC Real-time voice chat communication and having features like email and phone no login, OTP ,chat room discussion of different topics, etc.Node.js, REST API, Socket.IO, WebRTC, Express.js, MongoDB, MERN stack, React Router, React.js


PostIt works on the line of social mediaBootstrap, React js

Stock Price Predictor

it shows the graph of Indian company's stock priceDjango, Machine Learning, Python

Cardio Care

Data if all hospitals all over India w.r.t Available beds, Primary health care centre's etc.Express.js, MongoDB, React.js

Travel Guide Website

It helps people to explore new places, their local foods and points of interest.HTML, Bootstrap, CSS

Planet Care

Planet Care's holistic approach paves the path for a meaningful shift towards a sustainable, eco-conscious lifestyle, ultimately reducing the adverse impact of human activities on our precious planet.React, Django, OpenAi, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, Django rest framework, postgres

Virtual Academe

Revolutionizing Online LearningFirebase, Socket.IO, React.js, TailWindCSS


Meditrackr simplifies tracking CBC, KFT, Lipids, and more, offering instant insights and easy PDF record generation. Integrated maps help locate nearby pathology labs for precise health management.Leaflet, Firebase, JavaScript, Firestore, OpenStreetMap, Firebase Authentication, React.js


Your Trusted Companion for Pet Care, Sitting, and Adoption.React, Django, Android, Java, Git, Sentiment Analysis, Tailwind CSS, postgres, Vonage, neurelo

Brain Tumor Classifier: BTC

upload and receive instant, reliable classificationsPython, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Streamlit, Nillion, Nada-ai

Sustainable Miles

Sustainble Miles is a Cab Booking App which lets you book eco-friendly mode of transportations at 70% less cost while being eco-friendlyNext.js, Mapbox, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, React.js, Supabase

StageAware AI

Transforming Cancer Care.JavaScript, Flask, TensorFlow, Python, React.js

