I am Siddharth Venu, currently, a sophomore at NIT Trichy, majoring in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

I've been developing Android Apps ever since 8th grade. I am constantly motivated to push my boundaries, experiment with code with me out of my comfort zone. I've worked on a lot of apps, not limited to an app called Salt Analysis, which generates the procedure you've to undertake to find a particular salt. It received over 8000+ downloads on the Google Play Store.

I have participated in Google Code-in and completed 16 tasks given by Systers. I love to code in Java and have previously experimented with Kotlin for a hobby project 'At Your Age'.

I've been to the 'IBM Watson Cognitive IoT Build Hackathon', and my team emerged the winner for building a Public Bicycle Sharing system. I've also been to 'Hack2Help - Social Innovation Hackathon', conducted by Learning Links Foundation and sponsored by the US Consulate in Chennai, and won the 4th place in for building a disaster management application called 'Blackout' to be used in disaster-prone areas. I've led a team into the Grand Finale of the Smart India Hackathon held at IIT Bhilai, making software to help farmers with their revenue and expenses management.

I interned at a fitness startup called The Quad last summer, where I was at the helm of the automation of the attendance process by developing a mobile app called QuadAttendance, impacting over 1000 people. I was offered to work at The Quad remotely as a part-time job, that helped me pay a part of my college tuition over the years.