Rohit Patil
Software Developer with a passion to solve complex problems
Software Developer with a passion to solve complex problems
Pune, India
š Iām currently working for Oviyum Technologies
š± Iām currently learning Svelte Kit, Angular, React, Vanilla JS, Python, Golang, C, C++, Rust, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Figma and other technologies and software.
šÆ Iām looking to collaborate on any projects that use Python
š¤ Iām looking for help with any of my projects
šØāš» All of my projects are available at https://github.com/raprocks?tab=repositories
š I Infrequently write articles on https://raprocks.github.io/
š¬ Ask me about Python, Linux, Web Frontend and Backend, Golang, C, C++ and anything about what I am learning.
š« connect with me at [email protected] or any of my linked socials.