
Abhiyan Dhakal


Skill iconTypeScript
Shell Script
Skill iconNext.js

Ugratara Janagal, Nepal

I'm Abhiyan Dhakal, a student of KU School of Engineering, studying Computer Engineering in 2nd year, 1st semester. Following are my skills, and skill levels:

Full Stack Web Development
(HTML CSS JS) - Skillful
Node.js (Express.js) - Skillful
ReactJS - Skillful
NextJS - Skillful
React Native - Beginner
Flutter - Beginner
Python, C - Beginner
C++ - Skillful

Following are some of the projects that I have done in the past:
Pairs game
I was in the learning phase of HTML, CSS and JavaScript when I built this
game. I built this game to gain more prociency in JavaScript. So, this
website is solely based on Vanilla JavaScript.

Guess the color game
Guess the color game is a website in which random RGB values are given
with some colors, one of which is the correct one. This game, again, was
built on the course of learning JavaScript.

Hangman game was also developed using JavaScript. This is in the form of
website, developed using HTML, CSS and mostly JavaScript.

Rock Paper Scissors game using python
I built this game, again, in the phase of learning. This time, it was using
python. I wanted to see what I'd learnt in action. This game does not have
any GUI, but is played in terminal. It stores the score of the player and the
computer in text les and fetches the data to display result.

KU Pasal
This is a project that was created during the KU Hackfest 2022 hackathon. One can place the old or new items here and needy ones can buy it. It is targeted to help those KU students who struggle to find stuffs required in the college in reasonable price, and those KU students who have things that they don't need anymore.

This is a second-semester project created using C++, no framework but SFML(Simple and Fast Multimedia Library). Here is the link to the project. This project is ready to be run on Linux, but needs some tweaking to run on Windows and MacOS.