Kevin Compton


Tacoma, United States


The first ERC-20/Hedera Wallet

Swap between Hedera and L2 networks

Leveraging the Hashport API, moving your tokens into Hedera has never been so easy.

Negligibly Low Fees

Enjoy the low fees and transaction speed of the Hedera network with your erc20 assets.

Direct Wallet Staking & Trading

Keep your coins secure in your own wallet as you stake or trade.

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Swap between Chains

Web App to bridge Hedera and Eth networks with a user-friendly interface and easy wallet creation.

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Single-Side Staking

Earn rewards without the assets leaving your wallet, or the need for a pairing token. Single-Side Staking allows for withdrawals at any time.

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To provide liquidity for crypto assets without fuss & fees


Pampas screenshots