Keshav Gautam
Product Intern, Quartic.ai
Rewari, India
I have recently interned at MasterCard where I worked on a developer utility desktop based application aimed for assisting the developers at MasterCard in logs searching.
I collaborated with a team of 4 interns to engineer the platform while maintaining backward compatibility with existing services. Implemented all the requirements for the product.
I have done an other recent internship where I worked a lot on Reactjs for frontend.
To be specific, my domain in which I am currently thriving is Web Development. I found it very interesting and everyday I learn something new. This is an endless ocean of opportunities and learning. I am currently learning MERN stack because I believe I have had enough knowledge and interest in JavaScript. So my plan is to do both frontend and backend work with JavaScript. For now I have made some mini projects to get a hands-on experience with the tech stack. For instance, I made a CarPool application using React and published it using surge.sh. I also know Python and have made some projects using OpenCV like 'Number Plate Capture System' which just captures the Number Plate image and another one is 'Virtual Chalkboard' n which one can just wave his hands in front of camera and the program will capture the movements and draw the same on screen. I made them to get something out of my python knowledge when I was learning it.
I also know the workflow of Git and Github.
Other than that, I do competitive programming in C++. I recently achieved 4 stars on CodeChef. And, I also actively participate in all college or inter college contests. I do competitive programming because I like to do things that challenge my mind's limits and make me think over something. Participating in the hackathons will help me achieve the same i.e. thinking beyond limits and make something really useful out of the knowledge I have acquired in Computer Science domain which might help or empower someone. That's what drives me and push me to learn and explore more.