Kuldeep Srivastava


Skill iconJavaScript
Blockchain Development

Software Engineer, Geekyants Pvt Ltd

Bengaluru, India

Hi there,

This is Kuldeep K Srivastava. I have 1 and half years of experience in full stack development mainly using Javascript stack. I have used React, React Native and Node.js basically for developing applications.

I am also into blockchain space past 1 year and have been working on several projects specially on Ethereum using Solidity. I have participated in several hackathons where i won in 2 of them, ETHOnline by ETHGlobal and Chainlink Virtual Blockchain Hackathon. I developed fully working application with Smart Contract backend and React UI.

In December, I graduated from ConsenSys Bootcamp 2020 (4 months training) from where i got the certification of Ethereum Developer. Along with this, I am also certified as full stack blockchain developer from Emurgo India after a 10 months training programme.
I can design smart contracts architecture, write secure and optimised smart contracts, integrate those contracts with React using Web3.js. I have gone through the code-base of Uniswap and Aave to understand their working.

My github profile: https://github.com/kuldeep23907

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kuldeep-k-srivastava-b27806138/
