Kailash Kejriwal
Backend Blockchain Developer Intern, Remaster
Suri, India
I am a Full Stack Blockchain Developer, with an expertise in developing scalable and agile applications. I have been working as a Blockchain Developer Intern in Remaster, for more than a year, where I have worked on developing a legalized NFT marketplace and optimizing automation tools. I am passionate about making open-source contributions, and I have been an intern in the Google Summer of Code 2022 under the Python Software Foundation. My resume shows my work experience in detail.
I have industry-level experience in Blockchain technologies like Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP), Ethereum + Solidity, Web3, Truffle, and have worked extensively with NodeJS, Golang, ReactJS, TypeScript, and Python. My resume lists all the technical stacks and tools that I have worked on. Although I am comfortable with full-stack development, I prefer to work on the backend side of any application. In my free time, I tend to work on my problem-solving skills which in turn helps me in optimizing real-life problems.
I am also fond of technical content writing. I write blogs on the latest and emerging technologies, and publish them on my Medium handle.
You can know more about me from my portfolio kailashk.me. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected].
Portfolio - https://kailashk.me
GitHub: github.com/kailash360
Medium: medium.com/@kailash360
Leetcode: leetcode.com/kailash360