
Divij Mehta

Computer Engineering Student Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm currently pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering and passionate about building innovative projects using a variety of technologies. Below, you'll find an overview of my skills and some of the exciting projects I've worked on.

Tech Stacks


  • C
  • Python
  • Java
  • Dart

Frameworks and Tools:

  • Django
  • Flutter (Uni-app)
  • Firebase (Uni-app)


  • MySQL
  • SQLite3


PhiloBlogs (October 2023)

PhiloBlogs is a sleek ticket booking website inspired by BookMyShow, where users can explore and book movie tickets with ease. Here are some highlights of the project:

  • Developed a Blog Website using Django and Django Rest Framework (DRF) with integrated user authentication.
  • Implemented user registration, login, and blog post management functionalities.
  • Enabled users to create, edit, and delete their own blog posts, and interact with posts by adding comments and likes.
  • Implemented an admin panel allowing administrators to manage users, posts, and user privileges, including promoting users to admin status.

Technologies Used: Django, HTML

Uni-app (September 2023)

Uni-app is a versatile application designed to execute searches on contact lists and display weather information. Here's what the project involves:

  • Built an app with Flutter and Firebase, ensuring cross-platform compatibility.
  • Users can log in and view their contacts and weather information retrieved via API.
  • Implemented search functionality to execute searches on the contact list.

These projects showcase my proficiency in various programming languages and frameworks, along with my ability to develop functional and user-friendly applications.

Contact Information

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to collaborate on a project. Thank you for visiting my portfolio!



EMPOWERING VOICES EVERY ELECTION, EVERY VOTESolidity, React, Django, Ganache, swiper


Create free and fair elections using Ethereum Blockchain.React, Django, Tailwind CSS, Django rest framework, Ethereum Blockchain

