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Anyone can create instant liquid assets on anything and distribute it to every human on earth for FREE. Empowering 1 billion people to be founders onchain. The 1st and biggest UGA platform on base.

The barrier of Web3 embracing mass adoption as we’ve seen in Web2 lies in the cost and challenges when CREATING ASSETS. User-Generated Content (UGC) was the primary catalyst for Web2's success. However, the current Web3 landscape is dominated by Professionally Generated Assets (PGA), hindering mass adoption. Web2's UGC creators have not been adequately empowered to create User-Generated Assets (UGA) in Web3. The technical barriers and costs associated with asset creation remain prohibitively high for most individuals, leaving the vast potential of creators largely untapped. We.Rich has revolutionized this landscape by dramatically simplifying asset creation. By reducing barriers to entry to unprecedented levels, We.Rich is spearheading the transition into the UGA era. 0 Fee, Completely FREE: Create tradable, liquid assets completely free of charge. No gas fees, no liquidity requirements. For the first time in history, creating an asset is as simple as posting a tweet or uploading a TikTok video. Easy Peasy: No wallet installation or complex mnemonic phrases required. Enter the blockchain world effortlessly and experience the thrill of creating your own asset. Become a founder onchain in the simplest, fastest way possible. AI Powered Distribution: Our pioneering personalized recommendation engine for User-Generated Assets (UGA) ensures every one has a chance to shine. Through our innovative 'Assets for You' feature, users effortlessly discover assets that align with their interests.

We.Rich - Picture 1
We.Rich - Picture 2