Cyril Reynolds


When everything else withers away, when kings fall, nations die, lives fade, the only things that remain are stories.

Operations & Marketing Generalist @ Devfolio
Sometimes a writer too.

When everything else withers away, when kings fall, nations die, lives fade, the only things that remain are stories.

Operations & Marketing Generalist @ Devfolio
Sometimes a writer too.

Operations & Marketing Generalist, Devfolio

Bangalore, India

Hi! I'm Cyril!

I currently do operations and marketing at Devfolio. We organize and facilitate hackathons. I have happened to join at a crucial point in the year, when we were focusing on organizing ETHIndia, one of the largest Ethereum hackathons in the world. It went well, but could've been better (as is with all things).

I've done a bit of professional parkour in my life. That's primarily because I don't like locking down into a specific kind of role. I think that someone planning to build something of their own should have a wide range of interests. Either it's that, or it's the fear of intellectual boredom. Take your pick.

My realm of interests spans UX design, technology, business, EDM, hip-hop (Desi and West Coast, mainly), North Indian food, sitcoms, and motorbiking.

On the rare occasion when I am able to overcome my inertia, I write on