Hello Everyone !!
I am Chaitanya, a passionate coder. I have more than three years of experience in building and scaling developers communities and currently working as a Developer Relations Engineer. My technical interests are Web Development, Machine Learning and Blockchain.
I love to travel and explore new places. I believe that technology has the power to change anything and no matter how, using technology we can solve each and every problem of this world. I am managing TensorFlow User group Delhi community and have successfully led the Google Developer Students Club of my campus and founded CodeInHelp community.
As a community leader, I have scaled my community to 5x active community members in a spam of 6 months, and organised multiple technical events in the field of Machine Learning, Web Development, Cloud Computing and Android Development.
I am actively contributing in some Web3 communities these days and exploring blockchain.
Let's connect on Twitter as well at twitter.com/chaitanyachaw11

Skills: JS / HTML / CSS / C++ / Solidity

🔭 I’m currently working as a DevRel @STYAVA
🌱 I’m currently learning Solidity and Blockchain basics.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate with Technical Communities.
💻 I'm open for DevRel / Developer Advocacy opportunities.