Aditya Veer Parmar


Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconTypeScript
Skill iconNext.js

Bangalore, India


Hi, I am Aditya, a 24 year old software developer from Bangalore India.

My Web3 journey

I had heard of bitcoin as early as 2018 but I was never interested in it.
So my Web3 journey actually started in December 2020 when I first heard of altcoins like Dogecoin and Ethereum. I was first trading these coins on a centralized exchange and was making decent profits. As I got more deep into it I became familiar with Ethereum and its ecosystem of Dapps.
The tech really fascinated me and I was then looking into solidity tutorials. I was a frontend guy but I really wanted to make contracts and get familiar with them.
Around this time In April 2021 through some weird coincidence, my high school friend reached out to me after around 3 years of silence and we realized we have web3 in common now and we discussed it heavily. Over the next few days he comes up to me and tells this idea he has for a dapp and then we just started building it. I was good at frontend and he was good at solidity so we were an amazing team.
Fast forward one year later after many hackathons and prototypes we are currently building our best dapp yet Spect Tribes.

Spect Tribes

Spect tribes is basically a playground for DAOs to build and operate highly effective subDAOs.
We actually first started out with a different idea(decentralized labeling) but over time we realized that the current DAO ecosystem is messy. We ourselves were looking for opportunities to contribute to these DAOs so we can earn some passive income but just going these Discord servers was just too overwhelming.
So in one the ethglobal hackathons we started work and have been shipping features ever since.
During the last Gitcoin grants round we secured a pretty good amount of donations which allowed me to quit my full time job and go full time on Spect.

My Skills

So for spect I am incharge of the frontend stack. I have build the entire frontend for our app from scratch. This is just the final product but we also had other ideas which we used in the hackathons through which I got loads of experience in nextjs and react because of which now I can write pretty good code now.
I have also been doing some team management since we now have a handful of part time contributors.