Abhishek L


Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconC++
Skill iconEthereum

Bengaluru, India

I specialize in front end web development languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript). What drives me is my love for coding. My biggest motive is to contribute to smith functioning of organizations using my web-dev skills.I am currently a student of NIT Tiruchirappalli and I'm a member of the institute's R&D club : Spider. Currently, I'm working on building Spider's official website and also on a world-wide JavaScript Game competition: js13k games.The Spider official website is the most complex project I have worked on.It is based on React and Graphql.Some of the languages and frameworks I am familiar with : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Jquery, React.Apart from web-dev, I'm also working on machine learning as it has various real life applications.