Noé L
What have you worked on outside of crypto that you're particularly proud of? What kinds of things have you built before?
I have worked on a few Web2 project. During my school years I did a lot of C++ work, so not web but software / library like rewriting Malloc() and a compilator.
Then, I also did some websites for associations (intranet) and an internal web-based tool for a big French company. But I’ve always been interested in crypto, so I was more into networks, and then webDev, but for crypto (so let’s say web3 ahah).
I also built a private cloud for my last company, using OpenStack.
I'm now mainly doing devops with jenkins, terraform, and helm.
I'm also doing some blockchain nodes support.
Tell us about how you got here — what about Web3 is interesting to you? Technically and/or ideologically.
Always been interested in crypto. First Bitcoin because of “magic internet money”. It was then a rabbit hole. It is mostly ideologically, but as my background is Computer Science, it is also Technically.
Ideologically, I always liked the idea of decentralization (Even -just- torrents are fascinating to me). I believe it can have a big and positive impact on the world and is an important tool to have to keep powers in check. There is a lot to say about all this, but I could be described as a “decentralization maxi”, even though I wouldn’t call myself a maxi-anything.
I think a lot of middlemen can more or less easily be eliminated now through smart-contracts, and in a longer time-horizon, most of the trust-based system where trust isn’t a feature.
Technically, I like to study and have deep understanding (when possible) about the different platform, even though I’m getting more and more into game-theory rather than actual code as there is now way too much info.
I participated in a few hackathon those past years. I participated in last year’s ETHLisbon where I did a bounty for IExec. Sadly there was an issue as they were not able to whitelist my address to deploy on their permissioned blockchain in time, only weeks after, but else my project was good, same for my experience there ! Beside this, I started (for physical hackathons) with AVAX Barcelona 2022 (won 1st prize Chainlink (NFTransfert) a project using external adaptors to use AI to modify NFT with a new art-style), then ETHParis 2022 (Top 10 + Paladin 1st prize (SENATE DAO) a Dashboard to facilitate governance that is now live and helping delegates), ETHPorto 2023 and ETHPrague 2023 (1st Prize API3 (DonateDAO)). I also did several online hackathons from ETHGlobal and Chainlink.
I really like the experience of physical hackathon to get working with other people and try to create something great in a short time, while the online hackathon really helped me learn more about a lot of different tools.
Tell us about how you got here — what about Web3 is interesting to you and what would you like to build at the hackathon?
I'm not sure yet, but I would really like to build something arround account abstraction, maybe also chain abstraction but mostly smart-wallet with intents and finding a usefull use-case. I'm currently in this domain but in web2, while I have always been into crypto ethos, so I would like to do something, but mostly open-source / not necessarily business oriented.