Armin Tomas
CEO, Devermint
Kaunas, Lithuania
Hey, I am Armin,
Software developer/CEO at Devermint.com devhouse based in Lithuania.
I have participated in over 100 hackathons and game jams, but found Ethereum ones most fitting for me and with the best crowd. This year at ETHBerlin hackathon I got to know about this experience and from the first second I was super excited!
I have been working with Solidity since 2020, built many dapps for the clients[https://x.norpay.io/, https://0x0.art/, https://staking.ertha.io/], currently working on this bad boy :D - https://shitcoin-k960vxoki-pairsxyz.vercel.app/
I am good at communication, team work, even better at JS, C++, Rust :D
Participated at: ETHBogota(2022), ETHBelgrade(2023), ETHBerlin(2024), ETHPrague(2024)
Web: devermint.com
Github: github.com/ArminasTomasevicius