H Sanjay


🚀 Backend Developer | Open Source Contributor | Cybersecurity Enthusiast

🚀 Backend Developer | Open Source Contributor | Cybersecurity Enthusiast

Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconJavaScript
Skill iconTypeScript
Skill iconPostgreSQL

Bangalore, India

🚀 Backend Developer | Open Source Contributor | Cybersecurity Enthusiast

I interned as a Full Stack Developer at SmartAriser, building and deploying MERN applications, integrating payment systems, and optimizing cloud solutions. With multiple hackathon wins across India, I’ve developed projects like Threat Sleuth (4th place, phishing detection) and Zer0 Chain Wallet (EthIndia Base Prize, Web3 onboarding). Passionate about security and innovation, I’m currently exploring DevSecOps, focusing on seamless integration of development, security, and operations.
