Parth Bansal
Noida, India
I am an innovator and love to make software and hardware solutions to help mitigate problems.
In my opinion, every problem can be solved if we put our minds to it and give priority to the people's welfare.
Throughout my student life, I have made several inventions to help people in numerous ways, during the covid time I have made devices like, "social distancing band", "hand sanitization band", "social distancing smart shield", and during the peek of oxygen shortage, "oxygen shaving mark" which can save up to 25% of oxygen, but I am best known for the invention of "Utility stick for Parkinson's patients", for which I have also received a patent in 2016.
I have also received several awards in the field of innovation most noteworthy being the "Ignite" award in 2016 by the "NIF" foundation and "Pradhanmantri Rashtriya Bal Puruskar" in 2020 by the government of India which is the highest honor given the children of India.
details about everything can be found on my site
and on my linkedin