I am co-founder of DAO-tooling ecosystem. I am UI&UX designer with web3 development experience. Right now building startup — DAO-tooling ecosystem. We raised $100k and raising more money right now. And do design on freelance
I participated in many Web3 and digital hackathons and acelerators
My achivements:
- $25k grant from Innoswiss for NFT-validation tool
- 1st place HackZurich 2022 in trackblockchain Velas + Richemont $3k (NFT-validation tool)
- 1st place Deffinition Hack 2023 TON blockchain $3k (GamyFi)
- 1st place Deffinition Hack 2022 Rarible — NFT marketplace $3k (Platform for crowdinvesting in NFTs)
- $50k grant from rarible for Platform for crowdinvesting in NFTs
-also participated in many web3 and digital hacks.
-have some experience in acceleration programs. worked in Funding club and know how to form the pitch deck.