Effective Computer Engineering major now enrolled at Jaya Engineering College seeking to make use of solid communication, analytical, and collaboration abilitie
Immovables is a Decentralised real estate marketplaceBootstrap, FrontEnd- ReactJS, Testing - CHAI, Backend - NODEJS, SMART CONTRACTS -SOLIDITY, CONTRACT DEPLOY TOOLS - TRUFFLE & HARDHAT, NETWORK - POLYGON NETWORK (MATIC MUMBAI TESTNET)NFT Craft
On-chain game in which user can play with NFT'sReact, next, Cairo, EF: Account Abstraction, StarkNet, Argent X, Warp, on-chain gameMatic name service
Naming service in polygon chainSolidity, React, remix, nextjs, Web3js, EtherjsAvax-Game
Decentralised card game in avalanche chainSolidity, React, Hardhat, Web3js, Ethers, TruffleNoCodify - V2
"Empowering anyone to create decentralized website effortlessly"HTML, CSS, Django, JavaScript, AJAX, Python, Polygon, Replit, verbwireCodelessCrypto
"Effortless Web3: Creating Applications with No Code"HTML, CSS, Django, AJAX, Java, MySQL, Python, GrapejsEduGamer
EduGamer - Where learning meets game (Gamification Of EduTech)Solidity, Django, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, WebThreeNocodify
Empowering anyone to create decentralized websites effortlesslyDjango, JavaScript, AJAX, Python, Web3, HTML/CSS, Replit, Polygon (Matic)ZkConnect
"Unlocking Talent, Empowering Recruiters"IPFS, Django, Python, reactjs, nextjsBlockBattle
BlockBattle: Next-Gen On-Chain Autonomous Multiplayer GameSolidity, JavaScript, Next.js, Blender, reactjs, Polygon, React Three Fiber, Polygon Mumbai Testnet, Gaming, MantleChainsHunter
The multiplayer survival shooting game built on the Base chainSolidity, Next.js, Redux, Git, Blender, Three.JS, Tailwind CSS, ThirdWebSDK, BASE, OnchainKitZkBlock - Build, Play, Own
A blockchain-based game where players win coins and diamonds, build unique worlds, and sell them as NFTs in a decentralized marketplace.Solidity, IPFS, MetaMask, NFT, Nodejs, reactjs, nextjs, Mantle, ScrollSkills