Ahmedabad, India
I am Nisarg Thakkar. I love to Interact with People & Engage with Communities & Speak at different events and help folks in whichever way I can.❤️ I am really enthusiastic about Blockchain, Crypto, Web3.0, Web Development and much more & I love speaking and enlightening people about these things.
I am a Web3 Full Stack Developer & have worked on some amazing projects that can be found on my Github Profile.
ReactJS, Solidity, The Graph, FileCoin, and TailwindCSS March 2023 – June 2023
• BlockFlicks provides a transparent and decentralized environment, where creators can interact with their audience and get direct feedback on their content.
temperature, pressure, humidity and rainfall.
• Traditional video hosting platforms come with several limitations, including the lack of control over content ownership and distribution, high fees charged by intermediaries, and the risk of tampering or loss of valuable video data.
• BlockFlicks solves these problems by leveraging blockchain technology to ensure that creators have full control and ownership of their content. By storing all the details of the video content on a blockchain, creators can be assured that their content is tamper-proof and easily accessible to them at any time. The platform also eliminates intermediaries, ensuring that creators earn direct rewards from their audience in native crypto payments, without any fees.
Artium NFT MarketPlace
Vercel, Hardhat, ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, and Solidity. June 2022 – July 2022
• This full-stack DApp Anime NFT Marketplace was created as a research project to find out more about how to create smart contracts and use blockchain technology. Made with Vercel, Hardhat, ReactJS, NextJS, NodeJS, and Solidity.
• I want to make the nft market accessible and secure for everyone. This project's goal is to develop an open-source nft marketplace rather than running a nft marketplace. Because of this, forking and customizing this marketplace makes it simple to develop numerous nft marketplaces. We will benefit from supporting the artists in this way. We must come from many backgrounds and work together if we are to prosper in the world.