Mrigank Singh


Hi, I’m an engineering student passionate about building innovative tools, AI-driven apps, and open-source projects. Skilled in React, Node.js, and Python, I enjoy solving problems, visualizing data,

Hi, I’m an engineering student passionate about building innovative tools, AI-driven apps, and open-source projects. Skilled in React, Node.js, and Python, I enjoy solving problems, visualizing data,

Skill iconPython
Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconTypeScript
Skill iconReact.js

Team Member, GDSC KIET

Noida, India

About Me:

👨‍💻 Developer from India, passionate about crafting tools, websites, games, and web apps.
🌱 Exploring DevOps and AIML to create scalable solutions.
💡 Always up for new challenges and learning opportunities.


Tech Stack


React Next JS Tailwind CSS HTML5 CSS3 DaisyUI


Node.js Express GraphQL PHP Laravel Flask

Programming Languages:

JavaScript TypeScript Python C C++ Java Bash


MongoDB MySQL MariaDB

Data Science & AI:

Jupyter Notebook NumPy Pandas Matplotlib Seaborn Scikit-learn TensorFlow PyTorch



🏆 Certificate in Beginners Track, SprintHacks 2.0 (KIET GDSC)