Stone Johnathon
Singapore, Singapore
W3.Space is a Cross-Platform Gamified Community since Feb.2022.
Metaverse should be a fully customizable space for communities, with complete ownership and control.
Metaverse should be a home where community culture is created and strengthened by all members.
Metaverse should be an open-world Metaverse where communities connect & expand.
So here we are!
W3.Space is building hyper-community spaces!
Low Thresholds with More Possibilities
Website Prototype https://drive.google.com/file/d/18vlcpsX1PQSuDna4dYIfkWb6Zw_SVqoB/view?resourcekey
Mobile UX Demo https://www.figma.com/proto/2wmdY1ZdgxPVKT7WQhNx8f/W3app-web-%26-mobile?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=118%3A436&viewport=1057%2C1727%2C0.29&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=118%3A436