Kedar Kshatriya




Skill iconPython
Skill iconSolidity
Skill iconC++
Skill iconEthereum
Machine Learning

Pune, India

I have recently completed projects in the domain of machine learning and computer vision the projects are “Recognition of 101 different types of food by capturing its image from our mobile application, further app also provided the nutritional information of the particular food item” and “Extraction of useful data from different invoice images and categorization of the extracted data to excel sheet, the data could be invoice number, total price, etc”. Through these projects, I got fascinated by the power of Machine Learning and its importance in our lives. I am familiar with most commonly used programming languages such as C, C++ and Python. Additionally, I have experience working on decentralized systems (blockchain) platform Ethereum and the coding language Solidity used for making smart contracts.

Last summer, I had the opportunity of completing an internship at Athens Information Technology in Greece. There I learned blockchain technology and completed a project in 6 weeks. The project was based to solve a real-life problem on Supply Chain Management:
“Wine is a sensitive product and during transportation, it can easily get damaged and this causes loss of quality of the wine. So, the customer is at a loss as he pays thinking that he is getting the best quality”
These kinds of issues are common in supply chain management. Our solution was to tackle these issues by implementing a smart contract that will run on the Ethereum network and this may store all the necessary information. As this information gets stored in a blockchain it becomes tamper-proof. Further, we used IoT sensors for receiving temperature and luminosity data and in this way, it was made sure that if the wine is damaged then some relative amount is reduced from the original cost. Through this project, I learned many skills like problem-solving, time management, leadership, team-work. I also have become-familiar with international working environments.