
Vyshnav M R

I am a curious guy with great grasping ability looking for opportunities to build myself. I love public speaking and presentation as it enables to communicate your ideas to the world. Futuristic Ideas and Problem solving keeps me on track. In free time I browse through Music, World News and Cryptocurrency. Have Attended Hackathons and 30+ Technical & Non-Technical Events with Notable Achievements!
Ideation and Research is my Stronghold and assembling a team to produce innovative projects drives me forward


JotX : Medium Redefined

A Web3 Publishing Platform where both User Fam and Creators, Buidlers can Earn and Have a Immense ReachSolidity, React, JavaScript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Polygon Mumbai Testnet

Deep Learning based Metadata Gen For Videos

Automated Cybersecurity Tool Which Conducts Analysis on Video and Provide Sentiment Analysis, Genre, OSINT Data of SourceNumPy, Tkinter, Python, Pyleopard, OSINT Framework

Mity A.I - A_Transformative_App_for_Childrens_Care

In our digital world, our app blends AI with fun learning. It starts simple for kids, grows with students in school, and offers advanced tools for adults and more for parents and families.Flutter, Figma, Video.js, Adobe Software, OpenAi, HTML/CSS, Notion,


Trade Real World Assests with Transperancy and SecurityIPFS, MetaMask, JavaScript, Remix IDE, NFT, HTML/CSS, web3.js, XDC Network


Get Judged By Looks!MongoDB, Nodejs


Thapad ka Dhamka! Bacho Ka Khel Khoob Maza!!Node.js, CSS, JavaScript, move, Aptos Blockchain

User Immersion in Rabble

Concrete Idea to make Rabble Great.Figma


Gamified PvP HiringHTML, JavaScript, Ml


Amazon Cloud


  • Mastech InfoTrellis - Support Engineer
    May 2024 - September 2024
  • ThroughBit - Ecosystem
  • ThroughBit - Ecosystem Developer
    September 2024 - Present