
Bhavya Gor

Full Stack Developer
Curious about tech and building products from scratch. I love to explore things by doing and experiencing them.
Journey >>> destination
Full stack developer with almost 2+ yrs of experience
Started blockchain and Eth research as a hobby and my love for decentralization
Participated in HackFs, ETHOnline
Interested in open source development and contributing to fast moving startups
Founding Engineer where we develop financial solutions using embeddable systems.


ConstructW (Codeshastra 8.0 submission)

Platform to connect workers to contractors ensuring the management of work happening properly and proper safety precautions are maintained.Firebase, Next.js, Firestore, Tesseract OCR, Tailwind CSS


Connecting developers to a communityPostgreSQL, Nodejs, nextjs, TailWindCSS, next-auth


Customisable, Conversion-Driver, Cost-EffectiveNode.js, Firebase, Next.js, Flask, Flutter, Apriori Algorithm, Nodemailer, daisyUI


One stop HR solutionReact, Flask, Flutter, Nodejs

D-FIR (Decentralized First Information Report)

Building Trust with Transparency: Experience Immutable and Decentralized FIR Filing on the BlockchainReact, nextjs, Hardhat, Lighthouse, okto

Frames Factory

Empowering users with a no-code builder and intuitive dashboard for effortlessly creating, tracking, and optimizing functional multi-frame stories.nextjs, Hardhat, Scaffold-Eth2, farcaster, frame-js

Framify: Get Shopify To Farcaster

Bring your shopify store products onchain and into web3 with easy farcaster product frames and transactions.Solidity, TypeScript, MongoDB, nextjs, EAS, Smart wallet, Farcaster Frames, OnchainKit, EAS SDK, coinbase verifications

Framify: Get Shopify To Farcaster

Bring your shopify store products onchain and into web3 with easy farcaster product frames and transactions.Solidity, TypeScript, MongoDB, nextjs, EAS, Smart wallet, Farcaster Frames, OnchainKit, EAS SDK, coinbase verifications




  • Nibodh - We Developer Intern
    June 2020 - August 2020
  • Niti Ai - Founding Engineer
    September 2022 - Present
  • Frontdoor - Full Stack Engineer
    June 2023 - Present