
Ashutosh Pathak


App Development
Web development
Software Development
Competitive Coading

Varanasi, India

I am Ashutosh Pathak(B.tech 3rd year).
Some of my achievements are:
• Under Top 10 in Hack36 4.O(Annual Hackathon of NIT Allahabad) out of 500+ teams.
• Best fresher team of Hack36 3.O(Annual Hackathon of NIT Allahabad)
• 5 star Rating on Hackerrank problem-solving, data structure, and algorithms. Profile
• Active participation on online competitive coding websites - CodeChef, CodeForces, etc. Member Handle – vibhu_pathak.
• Obtained 100 Marks in CBSE Board Class 12th Mathematics.

Coding is my passion
I am winner of Droidrush.I have good hands in C++,python,C,HTML,CSS,Django,Java etc.
I want to explore more in this field and certainly perform better in this competition.