I'm good at backend development, devops, system architecture, and mobile apps.

I love to build things that improve experiences for people.

I developed a stampede-prevention system for Kumbh Mela 2015. We successfully deployed it and helped create the safest Kumbh Mela till date. I was the sole software developer in the team. I taught myself how to code so that I could build this project. I learnt Android development, IoT (arduino and rpi), backend (python), and a little frontend (react and angular) for this.

I have been a runner-up at AngelHack Mumbai twice in a row. And have won a hackathon at Belgrade last year.

I wish to come to this hacakthon to develop a potentially open-sourceable project. The prospect of collaborating with new people always excites me and that's the thing I love the most about hackathons. I hope I get selected.