I'm a 20-year-old boy with a keen interest in Mathematics and cryptography.
Joint-Secretary at BlocSoc IITR.
Ex-Intern at Push Protocol
Huffathon Finalist | ETHParis Best Mobile App | Inter-IIT Gold Medal
A Decentralised Autonomous Identity Management System (DAIMS) that enables seamless transaction of data between organizations about a user while maintaning privacy and also guaranteeing data validity.Solidity, MetaMask, Infura, ERC721, React js, Hardhat, Polygon, IPFS/Filecoin, Zk proofs, PushDenero
DeFi aggregator for FVM.Solidity, React, Figma, Node js, Hardhat, fvmFLockChain
A Federated Learning network built on Proof of Stake and micro-rollups.Solidity, React, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, foundry, stackr, tensorrflowPointCaster
A tool for protocols to promote and gauge community engagment and cater to those who bet on them early through loyalty pointsSolidity, Graph, Vite, Polygon ZKEVM, farcaster, stackr, AvailZkMask
Through ZKMask we are trying to prevent user funds by adding an extra layer of security by leveraging the power of AI Face Recognition and ZK Proofs.Solidity, Python, React Native, foundry, CircomInter-IIT Gold Medal
Built Metamask snaps for Inter-IIT and won Gold medal in Consensys Problem Statemnet.Solidity, React, TypeScript, MongoFFT in EVM Assembly
Built a a complex math library implemenation written in huff. Its an EVM Assembly language. Also implemented Fast Fourier Transform.Solidity, foundry, HuffSkills