Full stack Web3 and Blockend developer . Been working a in web3 and blockchain space for past 10 months . Shipped 10+ full fledged dApps based on multiple ideas and blockchain use cases .
Part of Nights and Weekends S1 by buildspace.io. Senior Graduate and contributor at Learnweb3.io

Won 10 hackathons :

Just Building , Learning and Shipping some cool shit .

I have experience of working with Wagmi.js , Ethers.js , Next.js , React.js , Solidtiy , Javascript . I work mostly on EVM based blockchains - Ethereum ,Polygon , Optimism , Arbitrum . I have used many web3 protocols like IPFS , Graph , Chainlink , Alchemy , Superfluid , AAVE , Uniswap , etc. My main field of interest is DEFI and DESO in web3 world .