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Bangalore, India

I am SSDD. I am a minimalist alturist who has been in this space since 2015. I am a Founder, DAO contributor, Solidity developer and a Tokenomics engineer.

I have co-founded two projects in the Ethereum blockchain space, ElasticDAO and ElasticSwap

ElasticDAO was a DAO based governance platform that focussed on fair governance. I token engineered the first ever deflationary asset based rebasing governance token, that resulted in the first ever anti-sybil system, that also attempts to solve the free rider and voter apathy problem. The documentation to which can be found here: https://github.com/elasticdao/docs. I was also the lead engineer for the Solidity-Math implementation in our contracts.

ElasticSwap is an AMM that natively supports rebasing tokens, the website can be found at: https://elasticswap.org/. The docs to the protocol can be found at: https://docs.elasticswap.org/
Here too I helped develop the complex mathematical treaty of the AMM constant curve that allows rebasing and normal tokens to be traded easily, thus allowing for better liquidity utility.