Hello ! 👋 I'm Anand, a self-taught developer. I thrive on turning tech challenges into opportunities, pushing boundaries, and crafting innovative solutions.
An ocean of choicesDjango, Next.js, PostgreSQLPocketPG
Feel at homeReact, Firebase, Django, Flutter, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, HTML5​HealthUP
Simplyfying and streamlining frontline healthcare.React, Firebase, Django, PostgreSQL, CSS3, Netlify, HTML5​CareConnect
Simplifying and streamlining healthcareFirebase, Next.js, TensorFlow, WebRTC, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, AI/ML, Vercel, HTML5​RapidAlert
Rapid Responses For Safer CommunitiesFirebase, Next.js, OpenCV, Machine Learning, NodeMCU, Python, CSS3, Arduino, Tailwind CSS, HTML5​Medidocs
HealthCare for the future - Safely Store and AnalyseSolidity, Node.js, Django, Next.js, TensorFlow, OpenAi, Tailwind CSS, CSS3​, HTML5​, IPFS / FilecoinOrder
Simplify and Smartifying Your BusinessFirebaseResQvoice
Enabling help at the speed of soundNode.js, Firebase, Express.jsINSTACONTRACT
Deploy your ideas into smart ContractsMetaMask, Next.js, Flask, OpenAi, Arbitrum, SepoliaETHKisaan-Mitr
Making Ai in the fingertips of farmersNode.js, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, Whatsapp API, FastAPI, HTML5​Beacon AI
Enable AI-powered automatic emergency responseFlask, TypeScript, OpenAi, Tailwind CSS, Whatsapp API, Nodejs, nextjsSkills