Hi, I'm an NLP enthusiast and a budding data scientist with a passion for AI and Machine Learning. I've worked on various NLP projects and I'm proficient in Python. My skills in data analysis and deep interest in ML and Data Science drive me to continuously learn and grow in the field. I always stay on top of the latest AI and ML advancements, and I love reading about new research and breakthroughs.
Your Secrets are Safe in ConversationSolidity, React, JavaScript, Flask, Python, ethers.js, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), LLaM, GenAI, VicunaAdVinci
Crafting Personalized Promotions with AI PrecisionFlask, AWS, OpenAi, Vercel, nextjs, Lora, FLUX, dalle, ControlNet, Diffusion ModelsSkills
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
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November 2023 - Present