I am an intermediate in Web Development. Skills like Programming, Web design and development, App design and Development, video editing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, IOT, Embedded systems etc. are my interests.
AR Studio
It is a music and podcast creation system enables users to create multiple tracks using AR(Augmented Reality).Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, SwiftUIDigipher
Digipher is an online Decentralized Secure Storage solution for all your digital assets including books, music, movies, apps, templates, digital identities, and more.Solidity, IPFS, Bootstrap, React, JS, MetaMask, HTML5, CSS3, pinata, alchemyGullak
Gullak converts some percentage of your spending into investments and frees you from the hassle of understanding different financial Instruments. "Boond Boond se sagar bharta hai"Firebase, AndroidX, Jetpack, CameraX, ComposeSkills
UI/UX Designing