
Yash Mistry

A passionate python developer, web developer and application developer looking forward to build many new innovation.
Exceptionally competent and talented assurance engineer with knowledge in testing and development practices. Proven track record of success both independently and as a part of a team, with the goal of improving quality, cost, and time metrics for the greater good. Highly flexible in adjusting work pace to meet changing client needs.


Python Voice Assistant

A Python-based voice assistant that can greet you and perform a variety of tasks, including searching the web, social media, and creating a to-do list and much more to play with the amazing features.Python, shell, BatchFile

Mangal- Avya

A ressturant system based on utoptian theme displayng menus in a 3-d view.PHP, Bootstrap, Django, JavaScript, Python


Mangalavya the first martian restaurant on the block where martian hospitality meets earthly cusine.PHP, Bootstrap, JS, Django, Python, Blender, CSS3, Rapid API, HTML5​

Pythakon Railway Level Accident Prevention System

Prevent accidents on the tracks, with intelligent sensors and micro systems at your backPHP, Django, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, Python, Arduino, Iot, HTML CSS


Spot potholes, earn rewards, drive safelyMachine Learning, Python, Flutter, YOLO

Nav.India: Pothole Detection and Mapping System.

Every Journey Made Safe and Sound with Nav.India!Firebase, Flask, Machine Learning, Python, Flutter, YOLO




  • InfoLabz - Internship
    May 2021 - June 2021

    Covered basics of web development and provided hands on experience of real time API handling and also worked on JSON handling with PHP and logic development with JavaScript.

  • InfoLabz - Trainee
    June 2021 - April 2022

    Python programming from basic to advanced and learned IOT to integrate it with various sensors and database connectivity using the MySQL.