
Atharva Amritkar

I am Atharva Amritkar from India, I have been contributing to open source for 7 years now. Have also made individual open source projects and participated in hackathons. In my university we have set up a Community called Kharagpur Open Source Society to spread open source awareness amongst the people in the university. We conduct workshops and events to share the culture of OSS with the KGP folks. We conduct KWoC(Kharagpur Winter of Code) which is a winter long contribution program for new contributors. We conducted an Open Source Summit, where we invited people from all around India about their experiences with Open Source Software. I have been exploring web3 since 2 years now and have been enjoying it a lot.

I have made some applications using solidity and it's been really fun of an experience. I enjoyed reading it's white paper and am looking forward on working on it. I have also worked with polygon and joined several DAO's. I have also completed Summer of Bitcoin and Google Summer of Code projects, also several other web3 hackathons. Me and my team have won several cash prizes in web3 hackathons. My experience with Ethereum has been Moderate to Advanced.

I have won several hackathons and few of the major are:
ETHIndia'22 - StackOS track winner
Reef Hackathon - Overall Winner
Solana Hack Day - Runner Up

I have contributed to many orgs such as:
Gentoo Linux - Contributor and Maintainer
EndeavourOS - Community Editions Developer
EESSI - Adding RISC-V Support to Compatibility Layer
NixOS - Contributor
Fedimint - Developer
Nix-Bitcoin - Created modules for Fedimint and ln-gateway
NGI-Nix - Packaging and DevOps work.

Participated in several open source programs such as:
Google Summer of Code - Worked with Gentoo Linux and EESSI
Summer of Bitcoin - Contributed with Fedimint and Nix-Bitcoin
Summer of Nix - Contributed to NLNet, Jitsi, NixOS
Kharagpur Winter of Code - Organizer
Girlscript Winter of Contributing - Best 2 Mentor

I have also given talks in Summits:
EESSI Monthly Summit: RISC-V support for Gentoo Prefix and Compatibility Layer (May’22, June’22, July ’22, August’22)
Lightning Talks, IIT Kgp: The Beauty of Unix Philosophy (Sept ’21)



SourceHunt- Github for DApp DevelopersIPFS, Polygon, StackOS, Router Protocol


Making the world's largest patient-centric real-world data marketplace where patients drive medical research and accelerate drug discovery.Solidity, React, Flutter, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), Polygon, EF: Account Abstraction, Scroll, EF: Privacy and Scaling


One World One CommunityReact, Docker, ethers.js, Flutter, TypeScript, CI/CD, StackOS, Router, Reef, Javascript RPC Api


Blockchain Development


  • Google Summer of Code - Developer
    June 2022 - September 2022

    I am contributing in Gentoo Linux since a year and also during Google Summer of Code Project. I worked on adding RISC-V support for Gentoo Prefix. RISC-V is one of the target CPU architectures in the EESSI project, and good support for RISC-V in Gentoo Prefix is a crucial first step towards supporting RISC-V in EESSI. The project majorly involved creating of the new profile in Gentoo Prefix of RISC-V, fixing the bugs faced during bootstrap of Stage-1, Stage-2 and Stage-3.
    I penned down my work and experience in the form of a blogs, Here is the link to blogs : https://blogs.gentoo.org/gsoc/category/riscv-prefix/
    Other than this I am selected as a Student developer for the Google Summer of code for the summer of '22 under the Gentoo Linux organization, My task is to add RISC-V support for Gentoo Prefix under Gentoo Linux and for the developers in general, to be more specific and as mentioned in the GSoC project page here :
    Now i am contributing to EESSI where we are adding RISC-V support to compatibility layer

  • Summer of Nix - Developer
    July 2022 - September 2022

    The Summer of Nix was a large coordinated effort to reproducibly package Open Source software, making it readily available and usable by anyone. The program brought together independent developers and community enthusiasts for two months to write build instructions with the next-generation reproducibility-first package manager Nix. I packages 10+ applications throughout my tenure and was one of the top contributors there. We participated in mob programming sessions and contributed to JITSI as well.

  • Girlscript Winter of Contributing - Mentor
    September 2021 - December 2021

    I have been a Top 2 mentor and contributor among 2000+ participants in Girlscript Winter of Contributing. I mentored in Rust and Blockchain based projects. We worked on The World's Largest Multilingual Content Repository, Open for Everyone.

  • Summer of Bitcoin - Blockchain Developer
    April 2022 - August 2022

    I worked on contributing to Fedimint during Summer of Bitcoin. Fedimint(earlier known as Minimint) is an implementation of federated e-cash system written in Rust. It is a federated Chaumian e-cash mint backed by bitcoin with deposits and withdrawals that can occur on-chain or via Lightning. To make deployment easier having a Nix module allowing to easily set up a federation With Fedimint Module in Nix-Bitcoin we can easily build.

    Here is the blog of the work done:

    Here are the project details:

    Link to Contributions:

  • SecureThings - Blockchain Intern
    November 2022 - Present