Game Developer
Professional Game Developer since 2010. Founder of Etherplay, now working on my latest crypto native game: conquest.eth
Web3 Architect
Participating in Web3 Standard like EIP-1155 while also building tools for the web3 / ethereum ecosystem, including hardhat-deploy and jolly-roger
Creative Tinkerer
I like to tinker with technology in general and been delving in generative art and fully on-chain NFTs with Mandalas and Bleeps
The Bleep Machine
Algorithmic Music Generated entirely on-chain from EVM bytecode. Inspired by ByteBeatsSolidity, Ethereum, ASSEMBLY, Svelte, Svg, WAVDuel In The Dark
A game where two players outwit each other to bring about their opponent's downfall while staying hidden.Solidity, TypeScript, nextjs, Wagmi, CircomCatacombs
An onchain dungeon crawler where players encounter monsters and treasures in an ever changing maze of corridors and rooms.Solidity, WebGL, TypeScript, Svelte, Viem, ethereumjsSkills
Game Development