I've researched about blockchain technology for nearly one year. I've worked on Ethereum, Near, Solana, ICON. During working on these chains, I've learnt about writing smart contract with Solidity, Rust, Java.
Discover the differences: Compare LaLiga Golazos Moments with CompaLaNextJS + Typescript: Base source., Zustand: State Management., Cadence: Write scripts to query on-chain data., Flow Client Library: Interact with Flow blockchain., SCSS modules: Style system., Husky: Git helper., Eslint and Prettier: Rules of code.ZUNI - DID on Flow
Empowering privacy-conscious identity verification. Control your data securely with decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials. Verify with zk-SNARKs. Join the revolution now!Docker, React Native, nestjs, nextjs, zk-SNARKS, Flow blockchain, AWS ServicesZSwap
Empowering Trustless Trading: ZSwap, Your Fully Decentralized, Concentrated Liquidity DEXBOS, nearZUNI - Smart Vault
Smart Vaults, Smarter Fundraising. Control who gets rewarded.Solidity, nextjs, EASZUNI - Smart Vault
Smart Vaults, Smarter Fundraising. Control who gets rewarded.Solidity, Next.js, EASSkills