
Vijay Sugali

I am good at writing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. I have experience in developing dApps using Solidity, Web3.js, React.js, Node.js and IPFS. I can also able to do unit testing using truffle and ganache. I have done two projects. One is on identifying fake driving licenses and the other is on storing weather data for a better forecast.

I have done two internships. One is on Ethereum development and the other is researching on obtaining concurrency in mining and validating blocks of EOS Blockchain. I am currently working as Blockchain Developer in TCS. I have been involved in developing dApp for NFT Marketplace.


Meme Bajaar

Create Collect CheerSolidity, IPFS, Ganache CLI, MetaMask, Remix IDE, Mocha, web3j, Truffle Suite, Chai

Srujan Mint

Create . Collect . Cash OutSolidity, Ganache CLI, MetaMask, Remix IDE, Ethereum, Mocha, Smart Contracts, Truffle Suite, Web3js, Chai-Testing-Framework


Create. Collect. SellSolidity, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Smart Contracts, Nodejs, React.js

Shaadhi Pathr

bond foreverRust, Smart Contracts, CSS3​, HTML5​, Solana


Create . Collect. SellNode.js, JavaScript, WalletConnect, Tezos, SmartPy, Smart Contracts, React.js, CSS3​, HTML5​, Responsive app

Toxi NFT Marketplace

Create. Collect. SellSolidity, React, JavaScript, CSS3, Web3, Smart Contracts




  • Tata Consultancy Services - Blockchainveloper
    January 2021 - Present

    I have completed a project on a Multi-signature wallet and currently, I have been involving in the NFT Marketplace project. I have completed developing smart contracts and successfully completed testing the smart contracts.